Transportation is a top priority because so many New Jerseyans depend on it every single day. I am proud to serve on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where I work to improve the national aviation system, surface transportation, rail systems, and pipeline safety.
We need a public transportation system that meets the current and future needs of our workforce and our communities. While significant progress has been made by our New Jersey delegation, our federal government still has underfunded public transit infrastructure. This has resulted in outdated equipment, service delays, and bridges and tunnels that are not meant for 21st century transportation needs, leaving residents of the 8th Congressional District frustrated and disserviced.
One of my biggest priorities in strengthening our district’s infrastructure, from repairing and building bridges, roads, and schools, to investing in the public transportation systems that keep our region moving. Our Eighth District recently received $6.9 billion for the transformative Gateway Program from the U.S. Department of Transportation – the largest-ever mass transportation grant in our country’s history. In addition, we have secured $4 billion from the Federal Railroad Administration for our heavily-trafficked Northeast Corridor. Our efforts have also delivered grants for commuter ferry electrification, clean buses, critical infrastructure projects, and more.
As a Member of Congress, I will work diligently to: