Rob's Supporters


Endorsements From Elected Officials and Civic Leaders
Governor Phil Murphy
Senator Cory Booker
House Dem Leader Hakeem Jeffries
House Dem Whip Katherine Clark
House Dem Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar
Union City Mayor Brian P. Stack
North Bergen Mayor Nicholas J. Sacco
County Executive Craig Guy
Hudson County Chair Anthony P. Vainieri
Essex County Chair LeRoy J. Jones, Jr.
Senate President/Union County Chairman Nicholas Scutari
State Senator Angela McKnight
State Senator Raj Mukerji
Assemblyman Will Sampson
Assemblywoman Barbara McCann Stamato
Assemblywoman Jessica Ramirez
Assemblyman Julio Marenco
Assemblyman Gabe Rodriguez
Mayor Ras Baraka
Mayor Christian Bollwage
Mayor Richard Turner
Mayor Albio Sires
Mayor Jimmy Davis
Mayor Carol Jean Doyle
Mayor James Fife
Mayor Dina Grilo
Mayor Mike Gonnelli
Mayor Wayne Zitt
Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman
Congressman Donald M. Payne Jr.
Congressman Josh Gottheimer
Congressman Eric Swalwell
County Commissioner Kenny Kopacz
County Commissioner Bill O'Dea
County Commissioner Jerry Walker
County Commissioner Yriada Aponte-Lipski
County Commissioner Anthony Romano
County Commissioner Fanny Cedeno
County Commissioner Caridad Rodriguez
County Commissioner Robert Baselice
County Commissioner Albert Cifelli
Elizabeth Dem Chair Maria Carvalho
Former State Senator Raymond Lesniak
Jersey City Councilman Danny Rivera
Jersey City Councilwoman Denise Ridley
Jersey City Councilwoman Mira Prinz-Arey
Hoboken Councilman Michael Russo
Hoboken Councilman Paul Presinzano
Hoboken Councilman Ruben Ramos
Hoboken Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher
Endorsements From Organized Labor
Hudson County Building and Construction Trades Council
Hudson County Central Labor Council
New Jersey Education Association
Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters
Laborer's International Union of North America
Amalgamated Transit Union, both International and NJ State Council
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 21
Sheet Metal Workers Local 25
New Jersey Firefighters’ Mutual Benevolent Association
Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees International Union, New Jersey Council 63
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen New Jersey State Legislative Board
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 164
International Longshoremen's Association
Communications Workers of America
New Jersey State Council of Machinists
Teamsters Joint Council 73
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union Local 108
Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Union of New Jersey
Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ
Service Employees International Union New Jersey State Council
Health Employees & Allied Professionals
Endorsements From Advocacy Organizations
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
League of Conservation Voters
Hudson County Latino Caucus
Democratic Majority for Israel
Human Rights Campaign
Jewish Democratic Council of America
Newtown Action Alliance
Latino Victory Fund
Giffords PAC
Brady PAC
National Association of Social Workers: Political Action for Candidate Election